FAQs - DG : Buy Online Medication US-US shipping

Yes, we only use plain, discreet packaging without any branding or labels.

Your medical data and order history is completely confidential and will only be viewable by our pharmacy staff and prescribers.

View our Privacy Policy for further information.

When you pay by credit/debit card, payments will be shown on your statement under the name Dikongroup.

We accept all major credit cards including American Express, Visa and Mastercard. We also accept payments via PayPal.

Please click on “Address Book” or “Manage Addresses” and you will be able to add “Additional Address Entries” using the “Add New Address” button. During Checkout on the “Shipping” page the “Default Billing/Shipping Address” and “Additional Addresses” are presented for your “Shipping Address”. Once confirmed and you are moved to the “Payment” page you will then need to uncheck “My billing and shipping address are the same.” This will provide a dropdown with all “Address Book Addresses” and you can select from those or provide a new address.

When placing an order you will be given the option to enter your GP Details. Although it is recommended to keep your doctor informed of the medication you are taking, this is completely optional and we will never inform your GP without your consent.

Contact your GP or DikonGroup if you experience any side effects of treatment and seek immediate medical attention if side effects are severe. If the side effects are life threating call 999 otherwise call 111 for NHS emergency services.

  • We deliver selected non prescriptions medicines to the following countries:Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
  • We deliver selected prescriptions medicines to the following countries: Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Malta, Sweden, United Kingdom
  • We can only deliver medicines to countries in that medicine is licensed and delivery is permitted. For more information, see the delivery section on the medicine page to see which countries we deliver to for that specific medicine.

Yes, we offer delivery to the USA.